Youth room containers from PH-Container make it possible to quickly and efficiently create rooms for youth centres or youth clubs. We have many years of experience in the planning of modular buildings, from crèches and kindergartens to school rooms, seminar rooms and offices for universities.
Space for education and play
Youth room containers also create multi-purpose rooms with a span width of up to 8 metres without supports. This means that the rooms can also be used as group rooms, dance rooms or party rooms
Many years of experience in the construction of daycare centres, schools and universities
Planning in accordance with applicable regulations
Short construction times and turnkey realisation
Low construction costs
Variability - buildings can be moved and converted
Youth room container
- Child-friendly furnishings
- Use of low-emission building materials
- Fire protection
- EnEV-compliant insulation
- Various hard-wearing floor coverings
- Acoustic ceilings
- Wallpapered or tiled walls
- High-quality interior lighting
- Hot water heating
- External or internal stairs
- High-quality sanitary facilities
- External façade roughcast, wood panelling, Cembonit
- Canopies in the entrance area, parapet roof cornice, additional roofs
Youth room container can be used flexibly
Youth room containers or youth centre containers can be set up near playgrounds, skate parks or sports grounds. They offer young people a Meeting place for joint leisure activities. These are often Containers with sanitary facilities and kitchens equipped.
The container modules can also be used to Multipurpose rooms with a span width of up to 8 metres without supports. This means that the rooms can also be used as a group room, dance room or party room.
Advantages of the youth room containers
The young people are usually involved in designing the façade. From a superior Façade made of wood or fibreboard through to graffiti or paintbrush painting everything is possible. This gives the client a Short construction time and little coordination effort.
A further advantage of the youth centre containers is that the containers quickly dismantled again werden können, somit läßt sich der Jungendraum bei Bedarf in einen anderen Stadtteil oder auf ein anders Grundstück umsetzen.